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00:02 Deconstructing NamJune Paik

Delta Year:

Arts in Electronic Media Project -

00:02 Deconstructing NamJune Paik

Group members:

- Gabriel Zoe Chiew

- Jennifer Khoo Swee Lin

- Yap Yee Mun

- Amir Abdul Kahar Adam

- Muhammad Najeeb Bin Ahmad

TV Chair (1968) was the beginning of an evolution to many works of Nam June Paik. 00:02 is a deconstruction of the original piece by the father of video art, himself. From the basic concept of an infinite loop, interpreted from the constant cycle of the webcam, 00:02 represents the mindmap of infinity. The chair represents the private space of an individual whereby an infinite amount of possibilities in repetition that goes on in a cycle happens.

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